Taking advantage of the summer season, there are many people launched into the adventure of doing some sightseeing. And with this sweltering heat is very important not to forget your Greenybottle at home.

Especially if you plan to travel to Rome, you will spend many hours walking around the city, Rome is littered with water public fountains, and serves as a relief to all thirsty traveler who wishes to drink. These famous fountains are known as the "nasone" for its characteristic shape. Initially 20 sources were installed in the center of the city, today you will find over 260 fountains scattered throughout the historic city center. 


Another important detail is the way to drink from the fountain, because are a little small, however most have a small hole in the top that lets drink from the fountain effortlessly.

This video show you how you can drink more easily.

Each nasone is marked with the traditional Roman S.P.Q.R. The initials stand for the Latin phrase, Senatus PopulusQue Romanus (“The Senate and the People of Rome”), referring to the government of the ancient Roman Republic.


In addition to your bottle, we recommend this simple and useful application "I Nasone di Roma" (https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/i-nasoni-di-roma-water-finder/id415468948?mt=8 ) for iPhone that will show all "nasone" geolocated on a map offline, ie without need activating data roaming.

Atention, the map indicates all sources, including the monumentals, but if you intend to fill your bottle, don't despair're bound to find some "nasone" near to your location.